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      Citizens of
La Quinta
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OUR NEXT MEETING:  April & October 2024 at Homewood Suites Hotel and La Quinta Resort
Our mission is to empower La Quinta's residents to have a voice in city governance through leadership, advocacy and support. Our vision is to assist those committed to working together for the betterment of La Quinta and facilitate open communications on all matters that concern its residents.
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Chairman of the Board, Robert F. Sylk
1st Vice Chair, Richard Gray
2nd Vice Chair, Bryan Williams
3rd Vice Chair, Kevin Darcy
Board Secretary, Lexie R. Abbley
Treasurer, Phil Werber
Legal Counsel, Joseph Hofman, Esq.


Legal, Joseph Hofman, Esq.
Fund Raising, Kevin Darcy
Ambassador Emeritus, Len Wahlert
Communications, John Kirkpatrick
Special Issues and Projects, Len Wahlert
Guest Speaker Series, Robert F. Sylk
Electronic Media, Ann Dandridge
Membership Services, Robert F. Sylk
Small Business, Jason Abbley
Events & VIP Services, Jane Parson
Education, E. Howard Long
City Government Affairs, Richard Gray
Fiscal Oversight, Alindo Brundo
Media Relations, Michele Thomas
Adolph Event, Robert "Bob" Wright
North La Quinta, Richard Gray
Health & Wellness, Ellen Marks
So East Dv & ReDv Activities, Dan McClary
East Valley Regional Planning, Mark Moran
Council Districts, Dante Gomez
Fitness and Health - Alan Woodruff


Don Adolph, Former LQ Mayor 12 years
Scott Shields, Businessman
Craig Cary, Mayoral Candidate
Richard Gray, North LQ Chair
Joel B. Johnson, Attorney
Len Wahlert, 1st Vice Chair CCOLQ
Phil Werber, Treasurer
Bryan Williams, Businessman
Dante Gomez, Esq


CCOLQ sends out 15,545 emails, reaching 17,202 members as of September 1, 2021

Opening remarks at the CCOLQ Meeting - Adolph Tribute & Symphony Orchestra Event January 21, 2015
After four and a half years of CCOLQ I am as excited to be in this community as I was the first day. This is an amazing community, full of forward-thinking, diverse, entrepreneurial leadership. There are so many great things happening right here, right now, and we should celebrate that. And apart from being invested, energetic and compassionate, our community has the incredibly special characteristic of being ready for change. Change brings opportunities to grow. Change creates better pathways to reaching our goals. This is a new decade for us as was the case a decade ago.

Our City got to be what it is through innovation and risk taking. We can sharpen our ability to serve more effectively, help more of those in need, strengthen our identity and build a thriving community. Our La Quinta could be a model for cities across the country if we act on these convictions - and we should plan to.

This is your community, this is your past, this is your future, your vision, your hopes, your dreams. You have told us what you want from your community and here is the good news. It is all possible. But it's up to all of us to make it happen. It's up to you to get invested, to get engaged, to speak up, to help reinvent our approach, to welcome new faces, to make it better. It's up to our new leaders to listen and to act. It is up to each and every one of us to see something great and to pitch in to make it happen. And we can do it! It will take some hard work but all great achievements take hard work. Are we up for it! Yes we are. As I said, this is an amazing community and we can make amazing things happen.

As we move forward, I ask you to predict the unpredictable. If we become too predictable, call us on it. If we aren't making any mistakes, tell us we aren't taking enough risks. We all make mistakes, that is why they put erasers on pencils because we all make them. Even Albert Einstein made them. But it is our leaders job to take the lead in making this community all that we want it to be - and one of the ways to do that is to try new things.

So as we begin our 2015 CCOLQ campaign, think about what we are able to do with your participation to help our new Mayor. Think about the good that we can accomplish together. Because together we can do the Extraordinary.

Robert F. Sylk
Chairman of the Board CCOLQ

These are serious times in La Quinta, and there are serious issues needing our attention. We all need to insist upon a basic standard of truth from our elected officials and community leaders. We must cultivate a commitment to truth to show our young people and children that it has to start here with us.
La Quinta is in the midst of needing a long range planning process. This is needed to guide our City over the next decade. Our landscape is dynamic and rapidly changing. In order to maintain La Quinta's legacy of excellence and tradition, we must analyze our current position and plan for the future. The strength of this process depends on the engagement of all members of the community.
Everyone's thoughts and voices matter !
Thank you,
Robert F. Sylk
Founder and Chairman
Concerned Citizens Of La Quinta

Opening remarks at the December 10, 2013 CCOLQ Meeting
Together we do the Extraordinary

As the month of December begins, we have experienced and celebrated the most powerful moments of our organization’s achievements this past year. We begin our fourth year anew as we progress towards 2014. What  lessons, insights, and inspiration will we derive this time around? I wish we had a crystal ball to view what is in store for all of us, but the little shop that sold them, because of the city not implementing a small business initiative, like so many others businesses are no longer here, perhaps that in its self should be a major issue for all of us.

We lack a coherent framework to attract investment, and that is why we need new leadership in this city. Our leaders need to attract attention, maintain interest, create desire, and get action.
Among my first duties as your Chairman of the Board was to present our agenda.  I reviewed our priorities with the Executive Committee that we have a shared obligation to live up to our promises to the thousands of citizens in our fair city. Should we be expected to live with some of the decisions that our current crop of leaders issue in the coming year?    No, but

   we will continue to work in collaboration with everyone. And we will not waver in our mission to protect and advocate for those who swore to protect and defend La Quinta.
You know your perspective is realistic when you recognize that things have a beginning, a middle, and an end. An unrealistic perspective, like some on our City Council, is one that only sees one part of this cycle which then results in "after all is said and done, more is said than done."
I would like to remind our mayor that
whether you are the Mayor or an ordinary citizen.....
After the game, the King and the Pawn go into the same box.
CCOLQ helps to impact and touches the lives of hundreds of people with whom we come in contact with every month. What we do is of critical importance to help open doors that provide opportunities for the ones without a voice. It is why we are here. The more people we inspire, the more our leaders will think differently. And the more obvious it will be to everyone that ccolq is making a significant impact and that we are a key asset to the community.
Look around the community. Look at others who do what we do. Look at those who believe what you believe, and realize how much we have in common. We have much to gain by utilizing our power together to truly inspire. We have an opportunity and responsibility, that each of us has, though action and results, to show that our vision is clear, our values are powerful, and our mission is compelling.
Together we can do the Extraordinary

Robert F. Sylk, 

Chairman Of the Board


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